The Final Outcome of Cytokinesis in Mitotic Cells

which is the End Result of Cytokinesis from a Cell Undergoing Mitosis? A single cell splits into two identical daughter cells during the process of mitosis, which is called cytokinesis. For living things to grow, repair, and reproduce, this process is necessary. We shall examine the outcome of cytokinesis and its significance in cellular biology in this post.

What is cytokinesis, and how does it occur?

Cytokinesis is the final stage of mitosis, where the cell physically divides into two daughter cells. The formation of a contractile ring initiates this process, made up of actin and myosin filaments, around the cell’s equator. The ring contracts, pulling the cell membrane inward and creating a cleavage furrow. Eventually, the groove deepens, and the cell membrane fuses, separating the two daughter cells. This process ensures that each daughter cell receives an equal amount of genetic material and organelles and is crucial for the proper functioning of living organisms.

The role of the contractile ring in cytokinesis.

The contractile ring is a crucial component of cytokinesis, as it initiates the physical division of the cell. Made up of actin and myosin filaments, the ring contracts and pulls the cell membrane inward, creating a cleavage furrow. This furrow deepens until the cell membrane fuses, separating the two daughter cells. Without the contractile ring, the cell could not divide properly, leading to genetic abnormalities and potential health issues.

The outcome of cytokinesis: two genetically identical daughter cells.

The result of cytokinesis is the division of one cell into two genetically identical daughter cells. This process is crucial for multicellular organisms’ growth, repair, and reproduction. Each daughter cell contains a complete set of chromosomes and all the necessary organelles and cellular machinery to function independently. Without cytokinesis, the genetic material would not be adequately distributed, leading to potential health issues and developmental abnormalities.

The importance of cytokinesis in cell division and growth.

Cytokinesis is a critical process in cell division and growth. Without it, the genetic material would not be adequately distributed, leading to potential health issues and developmental abnormalities. The result of cytokinesis is the division of one cell into two genetically identical daughter cells, each containing a complete set of chromosomes and all the necessary organelles and cellular machinery to function independently. This process is crucial for multicellular organisms’ growth, repair, and reproduction. Understanding the importance of cytokinesis can help researchers develop new treatments for diseases and disorders that affect cell division and growth.

Abnormalities in cytokinesis and their potential impact on health.

Abnormalities in cytokinesis can have severe consequences for health. For example, if cytokinesis is incomplete, it can form cells with multiple nuclei, leading to genetic instability and potentially cancerous growth. On the other hand, if cytokinesis is overactive, it can result in the formation of too small cells, which can lead to developmental abnormalities and growth disorders. Therefore, researchers are actively studying cytokinesis and its role in health and disease to develop new treatments and therapies to address these issues.

Mitotic Phase – Mitosis and Cytokinesis

Can you determine what this vibrant graphic stands for? The image depicts a eukaryotic cell going through cell division. The cell’s nucleus is specifically visible in the image dividing. In eukaryotic cells, the nucleus divides before the cell splits in two, and the cell’s DNA is duplicated or copied before the nucleus divides. To ensure that each daughter cell has a complete copy of the genetic material from the parent cell, there must be two copies of the DNA. How is the DNA copied so that each daughter cell receives complete genetic material sorted and separated? You must first understand DNA and the various forms it may take to respond to that question.

The Forms of DNA

A eukaryotic cell’s nuclear DNA is present only when it splits as a granular substance called chromatin. DNA does not condense and coil into the recognizable X-shaped form of a chromosome until a cell is poised to break and its DNA has been copied.

Each chromosome consists of two identical copies due to DNA’s previous replication. Sister chromatids are the name given to chromosomes that have two copies. The centromere is the location where sister chromatids are fused.


Prophase is the first and best phase of mitosis. Chromatin gathers into chromosomes, and the nuclear envelope, which is the membrane that encloses the nucleus, disintegrates during prophase. The centrioles in animal cells start to divide and travel to the opposing poles of the cell as they are close to the core. Centrioles are tiny organelles unique to eukaryotic cells and assist guarantee that every new cell produced following cell division has a full complement of chromosomes. A spindle begins to develop between the centrioles as they separate.


The sister chromatids align themselves at the cell’s equator or center. When the cell splits, the spindle fibers ensure that sister chromatids will split off and proceed to various daughter cells. Some spindles are unable to bind to the centromere’s kinetochore protein. These spindles, also known as non-kinetochore spindles, aid in the cell’s elongation.


Sister chromatids separate, and centromeres split during anaphase. The shortening of the spindle fibers causes the sister chromatids to separate. This is similar to using a shorter fishing line to reel a fish. The movement of one sister chromatid to one of the cell’s poles and the other sister chromatid to the other pole Each pole of the cell has a full complement of chromosomes after anaphase.


The chromosomes stretch into a stretched-out chromatin structure when they approach the opposing poles and start to decondense (unravel). Depolymerized tubulin monomers from the mitotic spindles are then assembled to form the cytoskeletal elements of each daughter cell. Around the chromosomes, nuclear envelopes develop, and nucleosomes emerge inside the nuclear cavity.


The last phase of cell division in both eukaryotes and prokaryotes is called cytokinesis. The cell divides, and the cytoplasm divides during cytokinesis. The procedure differs in animal and plant cells.

Animal cells divide into two daughter cells due to the parent cell’s plasma membrane pinching inward at the cell’s equator. As a result, a cell plate develops along the parent cell’s equator in plant cells. The cell plate produces a new plasma membrane and cell wall on either side.


Describe the many configurations DNA assumes in a eukaryotic cell before and during cell division.

List the four stages of mitosis that occur in an animal cell and briefly describe each step.

Describe the process of cytokinesis in an animal cell.

What are the primary distinctions between cytokinesis and mitosis?

The chromosome with the well-known X form stands for:

DNA’s consistent appearance in eukaryotic cells

when DNA in eukaryotic cells is ready to divide and has undergone replication

only female sex chromosomes

what happens to DNA right after cytokinesis

Which of the following does a eukaryotic cell’s chromosome not contain?

Centriole Centromere

Chromatid DNA

What would occur if one of the chromosomes’ sister chromatids failed to separate?